
chiropractic care after having a baby

3 Benefits To Getting Craniosacral Therapy

Chiropractors offer several beneficial services to patients. One such service is craniosacral therapy. Craniosacral therapy is done by manipulating the joints in the cranium with a light and therapeutic touch. This then helps regulate the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid in the cranium. Here are three benefits to getting craniosacral therapy.

1. It can help you relax.

Since craniosacral therapy involves massaging the cranium, it can help you relax. So many people hold a lot of tension in their bodies, from head to toe. While it may not relieve all of your bodily tension, it can help get rid of some of it. While it is possible for you to perform a type of craniosacral therapy on yourself, it is much better to see a chiropractor for it because they have been trained to perform it correctly. Besides, it is a lot better to get a massage from someone else than it is to try to do it for yourself anyway.

2. It can help with headaches.

Since this therapy technique helps you relieve tension, it is likely to help you if you have chronic headaches. Tension is the root cause of most headaches. Whether this tension is located in your head or in your neck, craniosacral therapy massage can relieve that tension. It may be that you need to go see your chiropractor once or twice a week to get your tension headaches taken care of, but it beats having to take headache medicine all of the time. 

3. It can aid in treating ADD/ADHD without the use of medication.

There has been a lot of controversy about using medications to treat ADD/ADHD, especially in young children. One thing you can try before you turning to risky medications is to take your child to a chiropractor for craniosacral therapy. Because the massaging helps with the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid, it can help better improve the brain's function. While this may not completely cure the condition, it can help it to the extent that you or your child may not need to take medication.

When it comes to getting services like craniosacral therapy from a chiropractor, it is important that you see a chiropractor you trust, like one from Healing Hands Family Chiropractic & Massage Centre. You should view them as medical professionals and, as such, you shouldn't go with the first name you find in the telephone directory. Ask friends and family members if they see a chiropractor or know of one they can recommend to you. Getting personal recommendations is the best way to find a great chiropractor to perform your craniosacral therapy.

About Me

chiropractic care after having a baby

My pregnancies weren't as bad as some women experience, but after having my third baby, my back and hips were causing me a lot of pain. I had talked with my doctor and had a few exams and he suggested that I go and see a chiropractor. It turns out, when a woman's body carries a baby, things can easily become misaligned. Then, when the woman has to push that beautiful little being out of her tummy, more damage can occur. My chiropractor has helped me in so many ways. If you are experiencing the same issues, visit my blog.

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