
chiropractic care after having a baby

FAQs About Cavitation When Treating Back Pain

If you are dealing with back pain, you may have started to stretch your back to reduce soreness and maintain your range of motion. Sometimes, when a person stretches their back, they may hear a cracking or popping sound. This is called joint cavitation, and it occurs when air bubbles in the synovial fluid (which lubricates your joints) are released. Some people may think that a chiropractic adjustment is the same as inducing cavitation with stretches, but there are some differences. Read More 

How Seeing The Chiropractor Can Help You As A Golfer

Golfing can be more demanding of a sport than it looks. Driving the ball down the fairways requires not just concentration, but strength and precision. Even putting can be challenging on the wrists. One body part you use more than you realize in golfing is your back. It keeps you stable and supports your swing. As such, seeing a chiropractor for periodic back adjustments can really help you as a golfer. Read More 

Tips For Getting To Your Desired Weight

There are many individuals that will struggle with achieving their desired weight. In particular, individuals will often have a difficult time losing as much weight as they want. This process can be made much more difficult than necessary when individuals are not aware of some of the strategies that can be used to make this process easier. Take An Active Approach To Tracking What You Eat Reducing the total amount of calories that you are consuming is an important step toward losing substantial amounts of weight. Read More 

3 Simple Tips To Take Care Of Your Back

25% of adults in America report lower back pain. Given the prevalence of lower back pain, it's important to learn different ways to prevent it. Below are three tips to help care for your back. Don't Lift Immediately after Bending  When engaging in tasks that force you to bend for extended durations like weeding a garden, minor changes occur in your discs. As you bend, your spine's stability reduces. Thus, bending exposes your spine to a higher risk of injury when you exert sudden stress like lifting. Read More 

About Me

chiropractic care after having a baby

My pregnancies weren't as bad as some women experience, but after having my third baby, my back and hips were causing me a lot of pain. I had talked with my doctor and had a few exams and he suggested that I go and see a chiropractor. It turns out, when a woman's body carries a baby, things can easily become misaligned. Then, when the woman has to push that beautiful little being out of her tummy, more damage can occur. My chiropractor has helped me in so many ways. If you are experiencing the same issues, visit my blog.

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